Monday, November 15, 2004

Oh, yeah...

SONICS are on a SIX-game win streak! yeah, SEATTLE! hopefully, this won't be another flare-up before burning away like the previous years...

Life plans

it's almost 11pm on a post-duty day and i should be asleep, if not for the following reasons:

1.) i don't feel the normal post-duty drowsiness. in fact, i haven't slept a wink since coming home from labor room duty. why so? i got to sleep in the LR, a good 7-8 hours sleep, straight, in a bed, no less! this is totally legal, mind you, since there were no patients during that time, practically! ahhh... such a benign duty. i don't expect it to happen again soon, if at all, but it was a welcome change, and i was thankful for it.

2.) i have to write! i just... need to write this life plan i have, which sounded well a few hours ago as i was discussing it with Princess. oh well, here goes... see if it makes any sense or if i'm just... anyway. i've been thinking about this since awhile back and it concerns marriage, settling down (!), career plans, focusing on really important things... all these hopefully within the next 3 years. hehe. career plans? i'm not so sure of taking the U.S. boards when i graduate next year. the probabilities have always been like 70-30 above in favor of the MLE but lately, i don't know...

just today, i told Princess that the scales have tipped in favor of staying. not in manila though, somewhere... south, maybe. :D (bakit kaya?) uprooting myself specifically to... Ormoc City. don't ask me how that came about, and maybe it's just a random pick, a shot in the dark, but for now, Ormoc it is. i want a new environment, an urban ultra-lite Manila. i wanna wake up and be full of wonder at what the new day is going to bring, to learn, see, taste and experience new things! haha! some plan huh? fill in the details later? some plan!!! yeesh! and about marriage, starting a family, settling down and all that jazZ? what about lofty career plans of getting rich and famous?? haha! it's not like i'm throwing any sort of dreams away, or settling.... it's just that i want to care for something larger than myself, something... really, of my own.

i know this life plan's shot full of holes, like really shot! and maybe the way it was conceived was too impulsive, or hasty in its decision. and i'm definitely sure it sounds much better in my head now and when i was talking about it at stream-of-consciousness, but as of today, that's the plan! i'm invigorated by it, inspired by it, and that's what matters. hopefully, this'll be the star i hitch my wagon to. Hopefully, i get to Z this through. come along for the ride.... :)

Thursday, November 11, 2004


it's practically Christmas here in Manila! anywhere you turn, there's lights everywhere, carols being played in the malls and over the radio. and darn, i've even found myself humming a Christmas tune a couple of days ago. aw... man! guess there's no use trying to deny it. i remember talking to Princess last july or august predicting when i'd hear the first carol played, and i missed it only by about 12 hours! :)

Christmas... sigh. this'll be the first one i won't be spending family. and it probably won't be the last. i just hope i won't be on duty that day, which'll be a bummer, for sure. it'll be like spending your birthday on duty... aw, man! still, that's more'n a month away, so i won't dwell on it too much. got a few more important things on my mind right now... ;)

i saw "the incredibles" just last Monday, and i must say i thoroughly enjoyed it (apart from the great company i had, of course...)! it had a more serious tone to it than i had expected (a pleasant surprise, being a comic book fan), but come to think of it, them Pixar animations have more going for them, in terms of story, than simply being eye candy. something about it makes me wanna watch it again, and kinda inspires me to flesh out the comic book story in my mind also. so much for med school? haha! kidding of course.... ;)

Saturday, November 06, 2004


typing this on a post-duty day. yesterday was another high-risk duty at the shoebox from hell... which didn't actually FEEL like the usual shoebox atmosphere. it was actually quite benign, considering we admitted "only" 20 patients. pity for those at the admitting section though, hehe.


goodbye service C clerks (Jill, Abe and Pryl) for the past 2 weeks! we'll miss your company but not the toxicity, esp. Jill, haha! peace!


finally, i slept for more than 6 hours straight!
finally, i got my college undergrad yearbook! after 5 freakin' years...!!! hehe, i guess it was worth the wait. scanned through my yearbook, reserving a more leisurely trip down memory lane for when i'm less drowsy. :) i miss Diliman! but, aw, man!!! i cringed at the pages featuring... featuring... men in drag. 'nuff said! aw, man! haha!
finally, the new NBA season is in full swing!