Saturday, November 06, 2004


typing this on a post-duty day. yesterday was another high-risk duty at the shoebox from hell... which didn't actually FEEL like the usual shoebox atmosphere. it was actually quite benign, considering we admitted "only" 20 patients. pity for those at the admitting section though, hehe.


goodbye service C clerks (Jill, Abe and Pryl) for the past 2 weeks! we'll miss your company but not the toxicity, esp. Jill, haha! peace!


finally, i slept for more than 6 hours straight!
finally, i got my college undergrad yearbook! after 5 freakin' years...!!! hehe, i guess it was worth the wait. scanned through my yearbook, reserving a more leisurely trip down memory lane for when i'm less drowsy. :) i miss Diliman! but, aw, man!!! i cringed at the pages featuring... featuring... men in drag. 'nuff said! aw, man! haha!
finally, the new NBA season is in full swing!


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