Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Somebody once asked me if I was happy with my life. At the time, I thought I was, even answering that I was “content”. “Wow… content!” was the answer I heard on the other side of the phone. She said that contentment, while another form of happiness, it possibly exists at an even higher plane. Others might argue that being content is merely settling for what is given you, but contentment means reaching a point where you having nothing more to ASK for, knowing that whatever comes your way, everything is going to turn out alright. Come to think of it, while I meant what I said then, in hindsight, “content” may have been premature at the time. I was still bubbling up, waiting to break into the surface.

It’s been 3 months since that conversation. You may ask, what was different then? A great many things, and also nothing much. I was a few days removed from the start of my OtoRhinoLaryngology rotation, which I saw as a pivotal moment in my internship year. If I find that I’m still fascinated by this specialization after 2 weeks (as I was 2 years ago, during my first exposure to the field), then it’s most likely what I’ll end up pursuing after getting my degree.

I was on the verge of going on duty alone, for the first time, as an intern, with practically only a vague recall of the things I’ve learned the previous year. Of course, I was nervous. And afraid. Of being exposed for the likely fraud that I felt I was. What was the basis for the title “Dr.” right before my name on my red name plate? It felt as if I simply “survived” 4 years of medical school. Yet there was this ignorant calm along with an arrogance, a hit-me-with-your-best-shot attitude. A deadly combination.

As it happened, that first day went quite well. Splendid, in fact! For one, it added another notch in my belt proving how “benign” I was during ER duties. See, only 3 patients, including referrals from other departments, consulted for various ear, nose, throat problems, and all things in between. A kid swallowed a coin, a twenty-something woman complained of epistaxis and finally… finally, another patient with a condition I can’t quite recall.

This was around 7 in the evening. Already?? By then, unbeknownst to me, I was smitten, a realization which would hit me only 3 days and approximately 4 hours later. The line graph had a steeply positive slope, and everything was going great. There was a strange feeling in me, one that was quite familiar. However, I responded in a way unlike me, by doing things simply because I wanted to, not thinking too much about how she’d react or what others might think. Let them assume! Let them speak in whispered tones! I was doing what I wanted because it felt good, and I wasn’t stepping on anybody’s shoes, let alone hers.

You know what that space above is, between this paragraph and the last? One big blank. It’s a blank that will be filled at another time. Initially, I was happy, but I complicated my life needlessly, in more ways than one, with actual/imagined concerns/problems (take any combination.) And after that? Let’s just say the slope became steeper, albeit negatively. Eventually, things… What’s the opposite of plateaud, when things flatten out from a previous descent? THAT word.

Flash forward to the present. I am actually happy AND content. This is not the happiness that exists merely as surges of emotion, snippets in the film of life that you end up filing somewhere under “Made Me Laugh”. From the valley where I was, I found myself on a slow climb once more. Sure, there were a lot of false starts. There I was, bickering, bitching and moaning about why I had to start over when everything… EVERYTHING! was going GREAT (or so I thought). There were these questions that NEEDED answering which were more like paraphrases of each other. Why this, why that… why, why, WHY??

To anyone who cared to listen, especially my friends, I must’ve sounded like a proverbial broken record. But what could they do? They’re my friends and that’s what friends do. They took all I had to give them and separated the wheat from the chaff. Now, at this point, I’m teetering on the brink of being all mushy and emotional and turning this into an acceptance speech at some overrated awards’ show. “I’d like to thank…” Shyaddap, D! I can’t promise this won’t turn into that kind of a piece but, instead of thanking the whole world, I’m going to focus on The Two Lefties, who unexpectedly stuck, pulled me up and got me started on the climb, without them really knowing it. They’re the reason I started this piece in the first place, truth telling…

Monday, August 02, 2004

princess unapparent

clothed in indigo
of alabaster skin
crimson lips
and chestnut hair
moonshine in her eyes
pristine feet dancing over
peach pebbles
on delicate blades
and glittering grains

a veritable prize
a fleeting dream
preyed on by sly beasts
and wing-footed hunters alike
still unfazed, ever in control
evading pitfalls
protected by the unseen hand
of an invisible champion

in a different plane
a trading of coins and trinkets
pennies and dimes
enchanting amidst a sea
of disbelief and disillusionment

a melody thought long-forgotten
existing as mere fragments, notes
lingering, touching lightly
on memory

the promise eager to be heard
spoken of only in song

the tooth fairy, a wolf-tamer
a thief in the night
my princess unapparent,

Today is...

... actually August 2, 2004.

but this was written yesterday, while i was on duty @ the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. with a designation like that, and being an intern that i am, you'd think i perform a very vital task related to patient care while stationed there. far from it. so what is there to do when you're stuck in a dead end duty post such as "manong" central?

i could rant about how you didn't study for 4 years in Med proper, toiling to get to internship and just performing menial tasks such as bringing specimens to and from the laboratory (from the 4th floor, you'd have to go down to the 1st floor before climbing up again to the 2nd floor to reach the lab, just because the administration saw it fit to bar the most accesible route...), following up on the results, doing your best to procure vials from other wards because of the lack of supplies in the NICU.

on the other hand, it is quite a "benign" post, you're able to free up up tp 2-3 hours in between your "manong" rounds. this provides an opportunity to catch up on your reading, academic or otherwise. in my case, i bought the day's issue of the inquirer, practically reading it from cover to cover. so now i know that the pink sisters are online, ready to accomodate our prayer requests via their website. there's the news about gracia burnham apparently clearing the military of any shady correspondence witht the abu sayyaf. a controversy's brewing regarding restoration of a mural inside the EDSA shrine without the original artist's involvement or permission. ateneo is now 5-0, (woohoo!) even without captain larry fonacier, who's out for the season with an injury. hehe, pati yung gulo ng mga barreto sa showbiz pinatulan ko! not that i'm saying it's beyond me to peruse the entertainment section every once in a while, hehe.

after seemingly soaking up on every little bit of info from the paper, i proceeded to tackle the day's crossword, which i didn't get to complete. i had to stop when i couldn't avoid peeking @ the answer key, haha! "low EQ ka na D Lo!" i could almost hear my (former) blockmate/crossword puzzle buddy/fellow miniature toy enthusiast Johann Leonardia say...

what to do in a dead end post, apart from ranting and raving and sleeping? i decided to channel my energies to something creative, and this is part of that endeavor. oh, i had planned on writing at least 3-4 pages worth of stories or poems or anything, but just kinda fell short. way short! ending up with just one poem.

so there, tell me what you think, my audience of none. till next time...

Sunday, August 01, 2004

diamond in the rough

You… the cryptic smile that sends a thousand meanings through the silence

You… of moonlit eyes so distant and removed, yet possessing the magic of a warm and tender caress

You… the calm center of an ever-present storm, where one finds peace, however fleeting

You… the beauty revealed through every imperfection that makes a world real

You… who enthrall me with every breath that leaves your lips, every utterance a mellifluous weaving of sound and stillness

In You, my soul finds a freedom longed for