Sunday, February 05, 2006


nothing like a good kick in the ass (figuratively speaking) to get things going again. um, thank you ate Bie! ;P although i can't promise to update this as often as before. i could, but would anyone want to read about nonsense?? ANYWAY... without further ado!

4 jobs I've HAD in my life
A> Anesthesiologist (in training...)
B> assistant to the Defense Attache, Philippine Embassy, Singapore. (NOT an official title... i had nothing to do while vacationing there, so papa suggested i work for my money naman. so i did)
C> Procrastinator
D> Dreamer

4 places i've lived at
A> Camp Aguinaldo
B> Moonwalk Subdivision, Las Pinas (where the roads make you feel as if you're actually on the moon!)
C> Braddell Hill, Singapore
D> Ermita, Manila

4 tv shows i love to watch
A> BUFFY the Vampire Slayer!!!
B> (in a manner of speaking, i actuallyy hate) LOST
D> Monday Night Football (darn... for the third straight year, i'm missing the Superbowl!)

4 places i've been on vacation
A> Singapore
B> U.S.
C> Canada
D> Malaysia

4 websites i visit daily (or...when i can)
B> Friendster
C> Gmail

4 of my favorite foods
B> white chocolate mousse
C> dark chocolate
D> mangoes

4 places i'd rather be right now
A> anywhere with my baby!

4 bloggers i am (or plan on) tagging
A> (um, i haven't decided yet, but i guess...) bestfriendCelle
B> Changkee
C> Bilbs
D> YOU! you random blog hopper you... :)