Saturday, January 08, 2005


...what it says on the title.

hmm, where the heck to begin...? see, it's been over a month since i wrote here, and in that month, many things have happened. the week i turned 27 was the best week of the year, bar none! it started with a ho-hum post duty day on the 6th of December and there i was, on my bed, on the eve of the 7th thinking "how's this birthday going to measure up...?"

aw, man... this is what i get for getting too lazy. i wrote/typed a lot this past month, stuff about all the things that were happening to me at the time, and i had them all saved up in this little laptop of mine. however, for some reason, even though i went online enough times, i wasn't able to post at least once. and now, i've lost the magic of all those entries. they're all in the great cosmic recycle bin in the sky... MY HARD DRIVE CRASHED LAST WEEK!!!! grumblegrumble....

anyway, i'm over it. maybe i'll try to recreate those entries little by little, in some sort of update or year-in-review thing.


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